We have a complete new series of INSTANT TUTORIAL, starting from February 10th, we will weekly upload a new episode of breaking lessons. From basics to even a little more advanced. Starting with Skychief’s headswipe tutorial.
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jessy kemper
Our WINTER SELECTION has arrived and it has some exclusive items. First off we got new HOODIES! Cause we everybody loves them. Second but for the first time in stock, a neck-warmer. Cause you don't know you need it until you've worn one
And LAST, we got 11 VINTAGE-FLEECE items. Only one of each so if you want it you gotta be FAST. Cause everybody homeshopping nowadays.
Another day another prize!
We were surprised to win this one actually. One morning before we started rehearsing we got a call saying ‘Hey guys, you’ve won the Charlotte Köhler Prijs 2020’. Well thanks we said :’D
It’s a prize of 30.000 euro where we have to put 25.000 into a project and 5000 into… our pocket.
Basically. The prize is meant as a support to our culture contribution. There’s not always money for the things we would like to do. A lot of the times it’s investing.
Thanks to Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds for believing in us! ❤️
We’ve just wrapped up our first season of Instant Tutorial. It’s a educative series where everyone from our crew gives a one minute tutorial that learns you something instantly. The first season is now available on our YouTube. Have fun and tag us so we can follow and share your progress!